Where does MINIMISE Moisture™ come from?
Back in 2017, Julie Tyrer, Tissue Viability Nurse Consultant at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS FT, saw increasing numbers of moisture associated skin damage (MASD) incidents, mostly resulting in minor harm, but some were more serious.
Julie started collecting data in late 2017 and noticed significant variations in practice with different products being used at different times.
The MINIMISE Moisture quality improvement work started in spring 2018, which involved:
- New local MASD clinical guidance
- Introduction of new products, including Medline’s moisture wicking Ultrasorbs Drypads and 3M Cavilon Advanced Skin Protectant and Continence Care Wipes
- New protocol for the prevention and management of incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD).
The MINIMISE Moisture campaign increased awareness and understanding of MASD amongst staff and was at the heart of the successful implementation of the quality improvement initiative.
The results were impressive with 96% of staff surveyed better able to identify patients at risk.
This new level of understanding also contributed to a threefold reduction in MASD cases between April 2019 and February 2020.
This is why MINIMISE Moisture is at the heart of MASD Awareness Day.

What does M.I.N.I.M.S.E. stand for?

Management of incontinence – making the right choice at the earliest opportunity

Inspect the skin – checking all areas that can be affected by urine, faeces, sweat and wound fluid

Nutrition – importance of nutrition in maintaining skin integrity

Implement a plan – for the prevention/management of MASD for at-risk patients

Move more – changing position aids evaporation of moisture and cooling

Identify MASD correctly – understand the differences between pressure and moisture damage

Skin care – importance of skin care protocol for at-risk patients

Educate – staff whom you work with and patients about actions they can take to reduce the occurrence of MASD
Educational resources
- MINIMISE Moisture digital campaign kit for MASD Awareness Day
- MINIMISE Moisture presentation
- MINIMISE Moisture video
- MINIMISE Moisture protocol
- MINIMISE Moisture toolkit
- MINIMISE Moisture clinical paper – Wounds UK
- Ultrasorbs Drypad video
- Medline Skin Health website
- Example of MASD care plan for electronic patient record
Harm-Free Care Network
This network is open to everyone passionate about preventing avoidable harm in acute, community and care settings. The network hosts sessions, in which members can discuss and share best practice as well as benefit from a closed email group where they can ask each other for help.
There are already 150 network members and this is growing each week.
Join today!
To join the Harm-Free Care Network, contact Neil O’Halloran via:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +447736977130 (mobile)
MINIMISE Moisture and the MINIMISE Moisture logo are trademarks of Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in the UK.