The Moisture Problem
Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD) is an umbrella term, which covers a range of types of skin damage caused by repeated or prolonged moisture on the skin.
Sadly, incidence rates of MASD are as high as 29% amongst longer stay (48 hours+)1 patients in areas like critical care. However, there is also increased risk in any care setting where patients’ skin can be exposed to excess bodily fluid or moisture for prolonged periods. In acute settings, this includes not only care of the elderly, but also maternity and some longer procedures in the operating theatre, where patients are at risk of skin breakdown due to exposure to excess fluid.
In community care settings, residents in nursing homes are also a particularly high-risk group, with two thirds affected by both faecal and urinary incontinence.²
Let's make MASD Awareness Day bigger and better for 2025!
Since we launched the first MASD Awareness Day in 2022, inspired by Julie Tyrer’s MINIMISE Moisture Quality Improvement Initiative at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, over 200 healthcare organisations have run their own days. And, most importantly, in our survey, 97% of respondents said new knowledge learnt from MASD Awareness Day helped improve their clinical practice.
Let’s keep building the momentum and make MASD Awareness Day 2025 even bigger and better!

MASD Awareness Day 2025
MASD Awareness Day provides a powerful platform for accelerating learning and development around Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD), and our digital campaign kits—developed in partnership with Julie Tyrer—give you a great starting point. What’s new? For 2025, it is possible to tailor the MASD Awareness Day campaign materials, adding your organisation’s logo.
Every member of the team, from healthcare assistants to matrons and consultants, has a role to play in preventing Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD). Early identification of those patients most at risk and implementation of the appropriate care plans are vital in preventing avoidable cases of MASD.
Turn Education into Action on MASD Awareness Day
Let's ask everyone we train to make the pledge and commit to three things they can do to help prevent avoidable cases of Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD), this MASD Awareness Day.
#MASDAwareness #ThinkMASD #MINIMISEMoisture
Stay informed about the latest updates on MASD Awareness Day by following us on X (formerly Twitter): Continence UK and Harm Free Care Network UK.

Watch the webinar recordings
MASD Awareness Day Webinar Series
We enjoyed three fantastic webinars in the run-up to MASD Awareness 2023.
Webinar 1 - Best Practice Recommendations: Prevention and Management of Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD)
Jacqui Fletcher, OBE, Independent Wound Care Consultant
Webinar 2 - Prevention and Management of Intertriginous Dermatitis (ID)
Professor David Voegeli, Professor of Nursing in the Faculty of Health & Wellbeing, University of Winchester
Webinar 3 - How MINIMISE Moisture™ is Helping to Prevent and Manage MASD. What Could You Do?
Julie Tyrer, TVN Consultant, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
MASD Awareness Day 2025 Registration
Complete the registration form below to receive your digital campaign pack for your local MASD Awareness Day.
About MINIMISE Moisture
You can also order MINIMISE Moisture promotional merchandise here.
Let’s make sure we all have a plan to MINIMISE Moisture and stop our patients suffering the discomfort and indignity of MASD.
1. Valls-Matarín, et al. (2017). Incidence of moisture-associated skin damage in an intensive care unit, 28(1), 13–20
2. Medline MASD Survey October 2021
MINIMISE Moisture and the MINIMISE Moisture logo are trademarks of Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in the UK.