Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover

Medline’s Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover helps eliminate the expensive and time-consuming reprocessing of the reusable handles of operating theatre lights. Each is sterile.

For easy set-up, the single-use and semi-flexible light handle cover is to be used on a handle adaptor with ring. It should be pushed and clipped onto the handle adaptor.

Based on the procedure, this operating theatre handle cover comes one or two per pack. It is available in the colour blue.

Medline's Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover is part of the OR Necessities portfolio, including all standard elements for a safe and efficient surgical environment.

Wish to purchase this product?
Packaging Pair Packed
Contracted Price Unit Price:
Pack Size: 60
Number of packs:
Line Price: 0.00£
Packaging Single Packed
Contracted Price Unit Price:
Pack Size: 100
Number of packs:
Line Price: 0.00£
Total 0.00£
Packaging Pair Packed
Packaging Single Packed
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover - AR-LHCB02
Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover - AR-LHCB01


Medline’s Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover helps eliminate the expensive and time-consuming reprocessing of the reusable handles of operating theatre lights. Each is sterile.

For easy set-up, the single-use and semi-flexible light handle cover is to be used on a handle adaptor with ring. It should be pushed and clipped onto the handle adaptor.

Based on the procedure, this operating theatre handle cover comes one or two per pack. It is available in the colour blue.

Medline's Semi-Rigid Light Handle Cover is part of the OR Necessities portfolio, including all standard elements for a safe and efficient surgical environment.


More Information
Colour Blue
Disposable Yes
Single Use Yes
Sterile Yes


Document BRO_Light_Handle_Cover_Flyer_ML1344_EN_Feb_2023.pdf Download
Document BRO_OR_Necessities_ML176_EN_Aug_2023.pdf Download
Document CE_cert_Arc_Royal_exp2028.pdf
Document LHCB01_RA25SENE.pdf
Document LHCB02_RA25SENE.pdf
Document TDS_LightHandleCover-AR_EN_1.pdf
Document DC_Arc_Royal_AR_LHCB02.pdf
Document DC_Arc_Royal_AR_LHCB01.pdf
Document ISO 13485_Medline_France_MD595395_exp2028.pdf
Document MDR_768587 - Medline_France_Other_Product_ Exp 2028.pdf
Document ISO13485_ArcRoyal_exp2026.pdf
Document PKG_FLHC1_INS_SENE-nv.pdf
Document PKG_FLHC2_INS_SENE-nv.pdf
Document MAN_DYNJLHSx-Series_2009.pdf
Document AR-LHCB02_2310.pdf
Document AR-LHCB01_2310.pdf
Document DC080C_Instrument_equipment_covers_sterile_Rev13.pdf

Ordering Information

SKU Packaging Pack Factor
AR-LHCB02 Pair Packed 60
AR-LHCB01 Single Packed 100

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