Impact of Patient Falls
Falls can have a devastating impact on your patients …

Is the number of falls-related deaths in the European Union per year (people aged 65 and older).¹

Falls are more common than both strokes and heart attacks, and their consequences can be serious.²

83% of all inpatient falls in the UK occur in acute-care settings.³

77% of all inpatient falls occur amongst patients 65 years or older.4

13,800 hip-fracture-related deaths occur per year in the UK.5

Around 10% of patients who suffer a hip fracture will die within one month. An estimated 30% will die within a year.⁶
… and your healthcare costs.

1: Falls among Older Adults in the EU-28: Key Facts from the Available Statistics, report, EuroSafe, []( "Falls among older adults in the EU").
2: Active Ageing through Preventing Falls: ‘Falls Prevention Is Everyone’s Business’ - Joint Declaration, report, 2015, []( "Active ageing through preventing falls: “Falls prevention is everyone’s business”").
3: The Incidence and Costs of Inpatient Falls in Hospitals July 2017, report, NHS Improvement, []( "The incidence and costs of inpatient falls in hospitals").
4: ibid.
5: 'Facts about Falls,’ Profound, []( "Facts about Falls").
6: 'Hip Fracture in Adults NICE Quality Standard,’ National Institute for Health Care Excellence, []( "Hip fracture in adults NICE quality standard").
7. Active Ageing through Preventing Falls: ‘Falls Prevention Is Everyone’s Business’ - Joint Declaration, report, 2015,
8. Klaas A. Hartholt et al., ‘Costs of Falls in an Ageing Population: A Nationwide Study from the Netherlands (2007–2009),’ Injury 43, no. 7 (2012): doi:10.1016/j.injury.2012.03.033.
9. The Incidence and Costs of Inpatient Falls in Hospitals July 2017, report, NHS Improvement,
10. ibid.
11. ibid.
12. Jean-Louis Demangeat et al., ‘Mise En Place Dun Dispositif De Prévention Des Chutes Au Centre Hospitalier De Haguenau,’ Recherche En Soins Infirmiers 99, no. 4 (2009):