Hudson 3-in-1 Elongated Oxygen Mask

The Hudson 3-in-1 Elongated Oxygen Mask offers an oxygen mask with hybrid function, which means it can be used as a medium- or high-concentration or non-rebreathing mask.

The device consists of a mask with a 210-cm oxygen tube, and includes:
  • A 750-ml reservoir bag that helps prevent the patient's exhaled air from getting back into the reservoir bag—allowing very high concentrations to be administered to the patient
  • 1 Tubing adapter, to configure the mask as a medium-concentration mask
  • 2 Flapper valves, to easily regulate the level of oxygen concentration needed, and configure the mask as a non-rebreathing mask.

    Finally, this adult mask allows for easy monitoring of the procedure and more comfort for the patient, due to very soft and transparent plastic.

  • Wish to purchase this product?
    SKU 41061
    Size Adult
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    Hudson 3-in-1 Elongated Oxygen Mask - 41061


    The Hudson 3-in-1 Elongated Oxygen Mask offers an oxygen mask with hybrid function, which means it can be used as a medium- or high-concentration or non-rebreathing mask.

    The device consists of a mask with a 210-cm oxygen tube, and includes:
  • A 750-ml reservoir bag that helps prevent the patient's exhaled air from getting back into the reservoir bag—allowing very high concentrations to be administered to the patient
  • 1 Tubing adapter, to configure the mask as a medium-concentration mask
  • 2 Flapper valves, to easily regulate the level of oxygen concentration needed, and configure the mask as a non-rebreathing mask.

    Finally, this adult mask allows for easy monitoring of the procedure and more comfort for the patient, due to very soft and transparent plastic.

  • Specification

    More Information
    Latex No
    Oxygen Tubing Yes
    Ring Materia No
    Type of Patient Adult
    Oxygen Concentration Medium-High
    Reservoir Bag Yes


    Document MAN_L02762_01_2203.pdf
    Document MAN_1061CE_Series_RK23145.pdf

    Ordering Information

    SKU Size Pack Factor
    41061 Adult 50

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