Depending on whom you ask, charitable giving may be the purest form of grassroots outreach or just the latest addition to a long list of for-profit activities. While both may be true, and despite charity-related scandals we may know of, we can agree that charitable giving has changed the lives of many for the better—more often than not. That said, here is an adapted understanding of charitable giving, courtesy of the United Nations, which established the International Day of Charity with hope that various actors in societies around the world would normalise giving back.
Charitable giving facilitates social bonding and contributes to the creation of inclusive and more resilient societies. Charity can alleviate the worst effects of humanitarian crises and supplement public services. In addition, it is an avenue for promoting the rights of the marginalised and underprivileged. And engaging in the act of charity can awaken and spread the message of humanity. An act of charity can take the form of giving of your time, donating possessions or money, applying your expertise towards improving a social issue or a combination of all.
In this blog, I will share a list of benefits for employees who engage in charity work and how the companies that employ them can encourage the development of this important social practice.
Who is a charitable employee and why is it beneficial to be one?
Work-life balance is very topical today. Charitable giving fits easily into this idea, as it supports both aspects equally. While giving back may come from a personal place, depending on the form it takes, we can consider it meaningful work in service of others. Moreover, when we participate in such activities, it enriches our personal lives in return. You are, therefore, a charitable employee when you consider the needs of others in the balance of your personal and professional life. We can realise this side of us as part a team or individually.
When engaging in charitable activities with their company’s support, employees benefit in a number of ways (not an exhaustive list):

How can your company nurture charitable employees and promote charitable giving?
You have probably heard the saying ‘charity begins at home’. But what does it mean? In this context, when considering how your company can help with social needs, take a more comprehensive approach. Take steps to understand whether the lives of those closest to the company are affected and how your proposed solution can make a difference for them as well. In this case, those closest are your employees. So, while thinking to help/helping others external to the company, figure out what you can do internally to either directly help or inspire your employees to get involved as well. Charitable giving can be a natural fit for employee engagement programmes, and making it easy for employees to be engaged and motivated about charitable giving is a great first step.
Your company can support this when you (not an exhaustive list):
- Show you care
- Remove barriers
- Be a bridge
- Research and enact
- Make it fun/competitive
- BONUS: Be an example.

Medline’s relationship with charitable giving
Charitable giving, at its core, is about improving people’s lives by addressing the range of issues they may face and mitigating the impact through acts of kindness. This kind of action may begin by giving back to the communities in which we live and/or do business, but the effects transcend these boundaries. Whenever and however we help, we reinforce a global network of care. Many years ago, Medline Europe embarked on a mission that captures this understanding. The company gives back by:
- Mobilising employees through donation committees that identify and support local charitable organisations/causes in Europe financially or in kind
- Forming partnerships with organisations that ensure its donations of healthcare products go where the greatest difference can be made or facilitate employee volunteerism
- Facilitating employee volunteerism, e.g. through the Global Smile Foundation, an independent charity that performs corrective surgeries for cleft lips and cleft palates.
How do you give back?

Yohan Lee
English Copy Editor and Copy Writer, Medline Europe
Yohan is a Jamaican expat based in the Netherlands. Writing is ‘One Love’ that he explores through general business copywriting, poetry and music. His educational background is in journalism, gender and development, and media and globalisation. Learn more on LinkedIn.