PURELL® VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub

PURELL VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub offers a highly effective non-rinse solution that helps to limit infection that may spread, as well as cross-contamination, within healthcare facilities.

This formula was developed for maximal protection, thanks to its patent-pending unique formulation, which offers a fast contact time, and broad-spectrum antimicrobial action. It is virucidial, and eradicates up to 99.999 per cent of the most common and potentially dangerous germs. This hand rub is ideal for use in highly infectious departments.

Besides its efficiency, the formula protects the integrity of the skin and is especially for use by clinicians who need to disinfect their hands frequently.

To suit your needs, this hand rub is available in several volume formats:
  • 100 ml
  • 300 ml
  • 500 ml

    The PURELL VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub is part of our portfolio of disinfectants for hospitals or healthcare facilities, which carries products for hand hygiene in such environments.
  • Vuoi acquistare questo articolo?
    Codice Identificativo Articolo 5996-12-EEU
    Pump Si
    Volume 300 ml
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 12
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0,00
    Codice Identificativo Articolo 8696-24-EEU
    Pump No
    Volume 100 ml
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 24
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0,00
    Codice Identificativo Articolo 9695-12-EEU
    Pump Si
    Volume 500 ml
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 12
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0,00
    Total 0,00
    Codice Identificativo Articolo 5996-12-EEU
    Pump Si
    Volume 300 ml
    Codice Identificativo Articolo 8696-24-EEU
    Pump No
    Volume 100 ml
    Codice Identificativo Articolo 9695-12-EEU
    Pump Si
    Volume 500 ml
    Grouped product items
    Nome del prodotto Quantità
    PURELL® VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub - 5996-12-EEU
    PURELL® VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub - 8696-24-EEU
    PURELL® VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub - 9695-12-EEU


    PURELL VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub offers a highly effective non-rinse solution that helps to limit infection that may spread, as well as cross-contamination, within healthcare facilities.

    This formula was developed for maximal protection, thanks to its patent-pending unique formulation, which offers a fast contact time, and broad-spectrum antimicrobial action. It is virucidial, and eradicates up to 99.999 per cent of the most common and potentially dangerous germs. This hand rub is ideal for use in highly infectious departments.

    Besides its efficiency, the formula protects the integrity of the skin and is especially for use by clinicians who need to disinfect their hands frequently.

    To suit your needs, this hand rub is available in several volume formats:
  • 100 ml
  • 300 ml
  • 500 ml

    The PURELL VF+ Hygienic Hand Rub is part of our portfolio of disinfectants for hospitals or healthcare facilities, which carries products for hand hygiene in such environments.

  • Specifiche

    More Information
    Biocide Si
    Principio attivo Ethanol


    Documento TDS_PURELL-VF-Plus_EN01.pdf

    Informazioni per gli Ordini

    SKU Pump Volume pack factor
    5996-12-EEU Si 300 ml 12
    8696-24-EEU No 100 ml 24
    9695-12-EEU Si 500 ml 12

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