Yellow Falls Prevention Kit

Medline’s Yellow Falls Prevention Kit provides staff members with the essentials to effectively identify high-risk falls patients—all in one place. The purpose of this falls prevention kit is to be discreet, yet effective. It provides a patient monitoring system—a quick and easy way to implement visual cueing protocol in your facility without overtly labelling high-risk patients.

The kit includes falls prevention slipper socks and a blanket, both in yellow. The yellow slipper socks are Medline’s most popular slipper socks with a double tread, which helps keep patients secure on their feet, regardless of how the socks are put on or if they twist during wear.

Additionally, to provide your patients with additional warmth, the next patient monitoring product in the tool kit is a yellow 100 per cent polyester hospital bed blanket. Both the yellow falls risk socks and the yellow cosy blanket act as visual aids for hospital staff by indicating the patients who have a higher risk of falling. The blanket’s dimensions are 96.5 x 71 cm.

Finally, beyond our products, Medline Europe is a committed partner in helping all customers prevent falls and reduce injuries from falls by strengthening their falls management programme with our Stand FIRM programme.
Wish to purchase this product?
Dimensions 96.5 x 71 cm
Contracted Price Unit Price:
Pack Size: 20
Number of packs:
Line Price: 0.00
Total 0.00
Dimensions 96.5 x 71 cm


Medline’s Yellow Falls Prevention Kit provides staff members with the essentials to effectively identify high-risk falls patients—all in one place. The purpose of this falls prevention kit is to be discreet, yet effective. It provides a patient monitoring system—a quick and easy way to implement visual cueing protocol in your facility without overtly labelling high-risk patients.

The kit includes falls prevention slipper socks and a blanket, both in yellow. The yellow slipper socks are Medline’s most popular slipper socks with a double tread, which helps keep patients secure on their feet, regardless of how the socks are put on or if they twist during wear.

Additionally, to provide your patients with additional warmth, the next patient monitoring product in the tool kit is a yellow 100 per cent polyester hospital bed blanket. Both the yellow falls risk socks and the yellow cosy blanket act as visual aids for hospital staff by indicating the patients who have a higher risk of falling. The blanket’s dimensions are 96.5 x 71 cm.

Finally, beyond our products, Medline Europe is a committed partner in helping all customers prevent falls and reduce injuries from falls by strengthening their falls management programme with our Stand FIRM programme.


More Information
Falls Prevention Visual Cueing Yes
Colour Yellow


Document BRO_Evaluation_Notice_Poster_ML697-EN_Feb_2019.pdf Download
Document BRO_Yellow_Toolkit_ML539-EN_Jan_2019.pdf Download
Document BRO_Falls_prevention_ML688_EN_Oct_2023.pdf Download
Document MDTEFPKIT_RJ24LBM-1.pdf
Document TDS-Fall Prevention Kit _EN04.pdf
Document ISO9001_Medline_France_FM_616413_exp2025.pdf

Ordering Information

SKU Dimensions Pack Factor
MDTEFPKIT 96.5 x 71 cm 20