Premium Skin Preparation Set 2 with Sponge Stick

Medline’s Premium Skin Preparation Set 2 with Sponge Stick and Gallipot offers a solution suited to minor asepsis procedures. The sterile tray contains several components to make procedures easier. To avoid any risk of cross-contamination, the healthcare professional will have access to an 18 cm sponge stick. Moreover, for a better organisation of the procedure set-up, a 120 ml gallipot is included. We have further optimised the packaging to prevent the need for and use of an extra medium cup for the disinfectant.

This premium preparation set is part of Medline’s skin preparation range, designed for meeting the needs and preferences of healthcare professionals while they prepare the patient’s skin.

Wish to purchase this product?
SKU KER70006
Pack Version Initial
Contracted Price Unit Price:
Pack Size: 56
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Line Price: 0.00
Total 0.00
SKU KER70006
Pack Version Initial


Medline’s Premium Skin Preparation Set 2 with Sponge Stick and Gallipot offers a solution suited to minor asepsis procedures. The sterile tray contains several components to make procedures easier. To avoid any risk of cross-contamination, the healthcare professional will have access to an 18 cm sponge stick. Moreover, for a better organisation of the procedure set-up, a 120 ml gallipot is included. We have further optimised the packaging to prevent the need for and use of an extra medium cup for the disinfectant.

This premium preparation set is part of Medline’s skin preparation range, designed for meeting the needs and preferences of healthcare professionals while they prepare the patient’s skin.


Document BRO_CareSet_Catalog_ML344_EN_Nov_2024.pdf Download
Document MDR768667_Medline_France_Procedure_packs_Exp2028.pdf
Document Declaration_of_SPT_finished_products_MDR_Rev72.pdf
Document TDS_SkinPrepTray_KER70006_EN01.pdf
Document ISO 13485_Medline_France_MD595395_exp2028.pdf

Ordering Information

SKU Pack Version Pack Factor
KER70006 Initial 56